Here is a list up coming concerts in our community. Click on the concerts below to go to the websites to find out more information:
2/10 Mansfield Wind Symphony– Lake Ridge HS 7pm
2/17 Arlington Comm. Band—Trinity UMC 7pm
2/28, 3/1, 3/2 Music Man– UTA 8pm 3/3 2:30 pm
3/3 Mansfield Philharmonic– Sanctuary 7pm
3/11 Mansfield Philharmonic– Sanctuary @ noon
“Carnival of the Animals”
3/15-17 MCT Broadway Review– Farr Best Theatre 7pm
3/31 Arlington Comm. Band – Veteran’s Park in Arlington 4pm
5/4 Arlington Comm. Band—UTA Music building
6/30 Arlington Comm. Band—Trinity UMC 7pm